Saturday 17 July 2010

Well, that's one thing to tick off the list

Only one week passed since I gathered the footage, I'm fairly proud.

Jessi Slaughter is one of the daftest but funniest things of the last few days and Hazel has missed the whole thing.

Last night we went to see John Hegley and it was one of the funniest and witty nights of the summer. Dad won a book by writing a joke. Also for wearing glasses.

Actually I ticked a few things off my list today including vacuuming the stairs!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

LOL. This is not a rhino. elePANT win!

and the car at the end. xD

why can't we have cool things like that here. they used to have pig ones every summer but then 4 years ago, a few kids stole one this size of the puzzle rhino so they stopped doing it altogether. sad face.