Wednesday 21 July 2010

Wild Liz appears!

I'm anything but wild. Also, I'm aware I've not been blogging much and I'm fairly miffed about that.

Yesterday I went to see Toy Story 3 along with some of my best friends, Jen, Maddy, Ross and Laura.
It has to be one of the best films I've seen in a while and I've seen some corkers in the last year. Marissa and Marina are aware of this due to the large list I gave them on Skype this morning. Anyway, Toy Story, I would review it but I know people read this who haven't seen it. I'll just leave it with a 5/5 rating. :D

I'm listening to Skyway Flyer on Spotify. It's so strange to hear Jason's voice not in MoM. I'm used to hearing Luke do things that aren't Wrock after ALL CAPS (both CD's are awesome) and Erase This. I might download this album, but then again I could just Spotify it over and over and just not have it portable. I cannot decide.

A musician called Todd Kuffner has just released his first album, I've followed him on youtube for over a year now and he is damn fantastic. It's a double disk CD with over 40 songs in all. He's charging £20 for the physical (inc. shipping) and so I will wait 'til Haze is home to see if she will share the cost with me.

Today I intended to do a lot of tidying so I could find my camera battery. Instead I did other things and now I'm a bit annoyed at myself.

I've now watched Seasons 12, 13 and 14 of South Park and am very nearly finished with Season 11. Though I think I will take a break from it tonight because I have a wonderful new book to read and I'm excited. Bring on the Artemis Fowl!

Sometimes I wish I was the sort of person who had rules with clothing, like if I had a wardrobe of colours that were just within the red/purple/pink range with a bit of black. It would be so good, everything would go with everything. But then BLUE I would miss blue so much, and green and those random yellow or orange or brown things. I'm so terrible at clothes. Although today, because I have my newest awesome favourite shorts on and a purple top, it goes and looks ok.

Rambles happen when I don't blog daily, I feel out of touch with the world of typing. I really need to get more accurate at it so I have to his backspace fewer times.

I bet you don't know that on my windowsill is a small jug in the shape of a cat holding a fish. The liquid would come through the mouth of the fish and the whole cat's head comes off to fill it up.
That was unnecessary wasn't it.

Last Squirrel Rebellion video for a while tomorrow. Proms in the park in Leeds on Saturday. Hazel comes home on Sunday and I'm so ruddy happy about that. Next Thursday is Alan Cochrane. James is coming up next Friday. Richard Herring on Saturday. James is here 'til the 4th then we go to London on the 5th. See War Horse. Then it's ruddy SUMMER IN THE CITY 2010!

I'm very happy.

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