Saturday 11 September 2010


After finishing off the few tissues in the boxes in James' house I have since used a whole loo roll to catch my sneezes.

Refreshing to be ill isn't it? NOT!

On Thursday, James' Birthday, we went to Liverpool for a Cafe Rouge lunch and Scott Pilgrim. I failed to find any jeans that fitted in the shops we looked in too. (The situation on jeans is dire. All of my pairs now have holes in them.)

We've spent the last few days mainly inside the house because the weather has been pretty dire and we didn't want to spend much money.

I had inspiration for next term's art project (finally!).

This is a bad and quick blog post because my ability to string together words is hampered.


1 comment:

Haze said...

Don't include pennies in your currency!!!! :D
(captcha "thyonce")