Friday 3 October 2008

Badabing Badaboom

"I've always hated jellyfish,
I don't like the way they float,
I wake up screaming,
that I'm sailing on the ocean,
and they're following my boat!"
Boothby Graffoe

Orrite, I feel today should be a proper full explanation day again.

So I get up at half 6 and listen half heartedly to that OAF Moyles.
It's not worth it. I fell asleep again and woke up when they played music.
The remnants of my beautiful dream faded away and the cold was, well, cold.
Well then it was up and to school.
Alicia's blunt straightforward way of telling it as it is is always a bit of hilarity.
Long tutor was uneventful apart from telling Chris his shoes were tramplike and recounting the story of yesterday and Dicko's 10yr persons old shirt.

Psychology was just a test on Bruner, he's boring.
Break, its family fast day for the Catholics so no Fairtrade stall. I was ready for some biscuits but I put my pennies in the CAFOD box instead.
Then double art, did a bit of painting and then started my essay. Some good ideas.

Lunch was just hilarious.
School dinner talks then playground games.
Days off and stray dogs.
Then food again.
We laughed so much mainly at the fact noone else had ever played melting butter.
:/ obv. fail school again.

Double free this afternoon and Ross's tech work got ruined.
It was OK but no progress if I get my gist.

Driving was good then Cait came over before Rangers where we talked eco friendliness and then facebook.

Now I'm watching Harry and Paul and the day is sort-of over.
This is too long and FEBRUARY is long enough ago...


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