Saturday 30 October 2010

Zneet Znadder Zneet

Remember My Hero? The episode where they were all hypnotised to do silly things when certain numbers were heard? Well, blog title is a reference to it.

The Meaning of Life - Monty Python
This was a pretty bizarre film to be perfectly honest. I quite enjoyed it, it was laughable, but it was also very awkward and just not as good as the Life of Brian.

That is honestly the only film I've seen since the last post... which is actually crazy but it's just because the Uni cinema has been a bit of a let down this week. Lebanon and Sex in the City 2 were not on the "films to see" list of either James or I.

I'm bad at blogging really. I'm not fruity enough with my language. Good job that this is just a diary then.
That's what it set out to be and what it has remained.

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