Tuesday 11 November 2008


I think I'm getting one.
My voice keeps on cracking.

Today was remembrance day.

90 years since the end of World War I.

In which A.A.Milne. (Winnie the Pooh) J.B.Priestly (An Inspector Calls) J.R.R.Tolkein (Lord of the Rings) fought. Imagine a world without them.
It's hard.
Then think of all those who died.
20 million.
All the possible geniuses who were killed for what?
A war to end all wars?
A war to spur another.
Also Walt Disney and the guy who wrote Dr. Doolittle. They drove ambulances in WWI.

It's scary.

So today our English class read poems to all the classes in the school.
It felt good to spread the word.

On the other hand James forgot sweets for general RE and that sucked.

I've got to write an essay tomorrow about The Great Gatsby and if chapter 7 is pivotal.
Which it blatantly is.

I'm off to watch any vids on my youTube sub list.



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