Friday 12 December 2008

Do you have the time to listen to me whine?

We had some sort of confession service this morning at school, the first time ever, and it was rather strange.
The priest kept pausing in strange places - mid sentence.

Psychology was just, regular.
Art was art.
My frees were strange.
Driving was good.
Watched Big Bang Theory when I got in which was immense.

We had our end of term Rangers party with the Wii projected on the wall which was fantastic.

I've got a video to edit.

ITC was hilarious indeed.

"Fasten the seatbelts on your ears Roy because I'm about to take them for the ride of their life."
"Sometimes I want to kiss your mind."


1 comment:

Saarah. said...

"What a silly question! The internet doesn't weigh anything!"