Tuesday 6 January 2009

Excited much?

About soup of all things.

We got a new vender at school today and if there is one guaranteed way of kicking up a fuss with 16-18 year olds it is changing the caffeine source.
Now the volume of the cups has doubled. We get lids for the cups. The prices are double but it's entirely Fair Trade now.
What everyone else seems to care about is the soup though. Frankly it smelled disgusting but lots of people bought it.
Oh and also 38 is never going to beat 45. Ever.

Sarah has been watching through the vlogbrothers videos which makes any of our conversations intrinsically nerdy. The texts are smashing too.

It's pure awesomeness.

Otherwise today has been decidedly average.

OK maybe our discussion of the movie Teeth in RE when we were supposed to be discussing contraception and Catholic views on it... oh and making leaflets. Well maybe it was crude but it was interesting. Also Phil's giggle is genius.

Lorra lorra laughs.

I'm off to wesh then get my dose of IILWY.


1 comment:

Saarah. said...


I'm STILL excited about it.