Tuesday 17 August 2010


N - ability to use and understand a language one has never learnt.

I sure wish I had that, that's well cool.

I do realise I'm barely even scraping through this month in a BEWIA way.

Over the weekend we (that's Mum, Dad. Hazel and I) went to Edinburgh Guam.
Whilst we were there we had a very busy time seeing Fitzrovia Radio Hour, Josie Long, Barbershopera, a visit to Jupiter Artland, FREAKING JOHN GREEN and Gutted: the Musical.

I have to say that because there was such variety it is hard to pick my favourite moment. John, Josie and Barbershopera were top really.

I managed to bash myself in the face with a door at the hotel at one moment. I'm going to claim it was because I was tired and disorientated by the warmth of the hotel.

You know what, BB3 is genius. It's just finished showing "Underage and Pregant" and now has moved onto a PAGENT show. I find these people repulsive and very very hard to understand and that's what intrigues me so. OH this is quality, this girl is from freakin' COUNTY DURHAM. OH FFS she was a nerd a wonderful hardworking person and her bloody Mum said it was "too much". :(

I'm becoming incoherent and I'd like to watch this drivel. So I shall take my leave.

Oh, p.s. Hazel and I are starting to collect stuff for a package for you M and you Ash... :D (Don't expect them till nearly Christmas though).

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