Wednesday 5 May 2010

Unique flavours

I never thought I'd enjoy cooking like I do. When I get to experiment with new things it is often quite fun.
Last night (Tuesday) we made our own burgers (mince, onion and egg to bind) and to go with it decided to use up some ingredients (grated carrot, tomato pasata and garlic). This proved to be a very tasty accompaniment to a creative use of mince.

Tonight was even more strange. We had gammon steaks and were unsure whether pineapple would suffice as a side. So to supplement at first we decided that the pepper that was due to be eaten would be nice but I also added onion and a tomato and then garlic and then some herbs, lemon juice, soy sauce, salt, pepper and honey. It was very tasty, although a little strange. It was quite a quantity so we decided that the pineapple would be saved for tomorrow's second helping of gammon.

We walked into town today to get a few life essentials and just for the walk and recreation really.

Art is going well in my opinion. Just need to get started on producing my final pieces after all this planning and research.

Oh and James and I have started watching the very first episodes of Pokémon. We're 4 in. It's AMAZING.

Stylus' (in reference to two DS stylus(es)) was made into these two words by James: Stylusi & Stylupodi.
Unfortunately, adding "podi"to words, isn't quite how pluralising works.

'Til next time.

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