Friday 5 August 2011

Blog Every Day in August #5

So that link is the review I wrote about Les Mis last night.

Today I spent hours in the garden while Dad chopped lumps off the tree and Mum piled them up and tidied up around us, I was in charge of reducing the piles of leafy branches into "manageable chunks" that would fit in the big plastic bags to go to the tip.

It was good being out in the sun and doing something manual labour-like. It was peaceful and Dad and I discussed the tv show the Herbs and what the word might be for when something that it animate is made animal like. Not anthropomorphism because that's human-like. Anyway I looked it up and it's Zoomorphism.

I've also been researching artists and painting subjects for the project I'm working on.

S'all been good.

Also, Torchwood was better than usual this week.

Ciao for now.

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