Saturday 28 March 2009

Getting started

Is darn difficult.
It's 9:54, I'm going to keep a tab on my day so that I get stuff done.
I need to do my contexts
My Art essay
and some Psycho revision really.

I need to get in on the Wizard wrock EP thing too, it sounds immense.
And set up iTunes so I can buy the Prettiest Star in April.

9:56 already, will open up the right document now, switch on zen mc zen zen and settle into type city.

Ok so I got distracted by the Ning already, stop being so awesome, Nerdfighters!

10:08, finally starting :/ Oops.
10:23, ahhhhhhhhhhh work fool I know that book is burning a hole in the bed but if you read it you'll waste the day away!
11:02, Ross rang to say how excited he was to have been driving this morning, it was a nice break but I'm still on question 1, it doesn't help that the question entails trawling through Acts 1-3 to try and find all the references to time and then comment on them.
11:26, Hot chocky time!
12:14, I just finished "Double Cross" for a better review check my other blog.
12:19, back to the grind stone, this time fo sho.
13:55, damn twitter distracted me and I ended up watching genius from last night, then had a shower and ate soup and watched The Big Bang Theory. I LOVE THAT SHOW.
14:13, work starts again.
14:43, OMG this cough is driving me insane!
15:53, oooops, iplayer you annoyance you. Stop distracting me I demand you.
I only just managed to resist searching for episodes of Dr.Who. Instead questions about Autolycus beckon.
16:06, hmph, this is so annoying.
16:35, I scared of not completing these tomorrow.
Or at least not being at a stage of being able to finish them on Monday night.
16:42, finally finished the huge Autolycus question, it's nearly 4 pages long.
17:02, Coughsplosion. This is NOT helping.
17:09, found some chocolate coins!
17:33, skins decided not to work online watching... so I suppose I'll have to watch it on the tv later.
17:56, checked my deviantart, it seems there are people who must just search 'charlieissocoollike' on various sites because it's the only one of my pics that gets favourite'd. I personally like the one I did of Johnny better but never mind.
When it gets to the summer I'm going to do some propper fan art, probably one for everyone on my sub list on YouTube first. I think I'll post them on the Ning and on DA...
19:28, food interrupted, so I watched Skins. What a pap ending.
20:50, My comp should be off, it's earth hour!

There were 19 questions to answer.

I've only completed 5.
Oh bums.

Please can I buy the Wrock from the EP collection thing!?
It's cheep in the long term just quite expensive to start out!
for 52 ish pounds ($75) I will be getting 12 full length WR albums over this next year. Practically all the money goes to charity and I get to wrock out.
I'm really tempted to back buy the 12 from last year too but that's not a necessary because I'd then end up paying over £110 for all the lovely music and that's a bit steep for someone with no income.
I wonder if Hazel will split the bill with me because we'll definitely both listen to it all!


PS. LIZ, look at Lancaster accommodation. SOON!

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