Monday 23 March 2009

Gone mad, be back later.

Oh dear goodness me.
I feel that I need to expel all my feelings here.
But I'm just an empty husk of a human atm and my brain has yet to catch up with my personage.
Today I woke up (how original! but I'm glad!) in pain (not fun) it was very difficult to motivate myself to stand up, even harder to remember how to eat.
Somehow, miraculously, I found myself dressed and at school.
Knowing fine well I have no time left in my life until the holidays I toddled over to the sixth-form block already thinking about how terribly terrible my life is right now.
What did I see?
A dead cat. Yes. You read that right, Fred, the caretaker, was just about to bin bag it.
Well what a smashing way to start the day.
Saying that I managed a whole psychology lesson without going to sleep and managed a nice chunk of my art final piece. 3 hours down 12 to go.
What got to me was that I physically hadn't had time to remotely revise for my English Don Juan mock that we had in 5th.
It was so unbelievably terrible that I wrote sorry on my cover sheet.
I have a Winter's Tale one tomorrow.
Help me.

Let me just outline my life right now because I know this is the last full length blog you're getting until next Thursday.

I have to separate myself from the lovely internet.
I am adding twitter and b3ta to the banned internet sites.
Really I'm only going to be using hotmail, blogger and google until Easter.
A tiny bit of YouTube.
But hardly any.
Tomorrow I don't have any art exam so I've got Psycho, English poetry lesson, Winter's Tale mock, General RE (waste of time) then from 2:15 - 4:30 to blitz WT4 context.
Then my next cervical.
Then skiving Cadets (I feel terrible but I have to).
Wednesday is mainly art exam and any free time is context.
With a huge choir rehearsal with Johnson I doubt that's much.
Then more context in the evening.
Thursday is Art exam and English lessons... and a driving lesson.
On Friday I have 3 hours of Art exam (should be nearly done by this point) and a driving test (I cba pretending it isn't).
Then, like, no time really before West Side Story in the eve.
My weekend consists of context but to break from this I have a huge choir rehearsal and a meal out.
How am I supposed to cope.
I need to just sleep but right now I have to revise.
The only good thing right now is the DFTBA album.
OMG best purchase this month.

Bye internet, till my hurried and terrible response tomorrow.

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