Saturday 13 March 2010


We're currently listening to all of the Halo (you know, the xbox game) soundtrack. It's actually pretty awesome, there is rarely singing and most of it is just ethereal instrumental relaxing music. Every now and then though you get a very sinister sequence that makes me feel like I'm being pursued or some such event.

We're having Saturday afternoon relax time after coming back from town. We only did a minor shop as we won't actually need much before the weekend, and that is the end of term. We've bought some fresh burgers and mince from the butchers which should be very interesting and hopefully scrumptious.

To be honest, this morning, before setting out, we did very little. The very little included making the 5 minute mug cake from facebook and watching The Bubble. Both which needed very little effort but were activities of merit.

Tonight is Avatar in 2D at the Uni cinema and I'm reet looking forward to it. We're going to MAKE SURE we get there early as to obtain our seats. OUR seats as in the same two we pretty much always sit in. It's great, but much less comfortable than the actual cinema. Ah well.

I'd quite like to watch a load of youtube videos now but as we've got the soundtrack on I shan't.

Cheerio readers!

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