Sunday 14 March 2010

Sunday (it really is/was!)

Avatar was good. I'll admit I was captivated by the storyline and totally in tune with the characters that were good and properly in hate with the bad guys. The luminescence was insane and very pretty.

Energy drain from sitting through such a long film hit and so I had one of the best nights of sleep in ages.
I was just SO comfortable I didn't want to get up, but we did and watched Heroes.

Today disappeared in the way that Sundays do, with a bit of work, watching videos online (the end of Skins) reading blogs, getting a phonecall from Nana, reading the B3ta newsletter and napping.

We've got the other burgers tonight (not pork and apple like last night that were VERY good) just beefy ones. So I guess we'll be back over to James' to cook them and I'll try and get him to watch Cars, maybe, at last?

(/Note: We were going to watch Cars over the Christmas holidays... see it's 3 months later and we still haven't!)

James is asleep right now though so I'm being quiet and waiting for Hazelizabeth to upload!

All is well that ends well and this weekend looks like it will end well.

This coming week brings our last Art History lecture (we have a final essay to write over Easter), at some point doing a final wash before the holidays, vacuuming (which I dislike having to tidy for) packing, writing, hopefully reading and sleeping. No films at the cinema so I think we'll watch through some dvds but then leave them at Uni for family to pick up when they bring us back (because adding them to my train luggage would be silly). I've already put the books for Hazel (PT and BMB) in my bag so that I don't forget em.

Other things of note are bound to occur and I endeavour to keep you all (*cough*) updated.

Bye y'all.

1 comment:

Haze said...

I can't find your Zen cable! :(


