Tuesday 12 April 2011


Half 10 this morning as I popped my headphones on and locked the door I didn't really know what my trip would entail and how long I'd be out. I wasn't fussed, I knew I'd enjoy my day.

Today's walk was good although it was windy and a little cold. I met up with Ross and we went here and there all over town so he could buy some things for his designing. I had the most delicious paninni for lunch and we went to look if there were any films on. They were all due to start at 4 so instead we just finished up with some Waterstone's browsing and chatter.

I was home by 2, I stuck on a podcast but fell asleep. I don't even know how but I did.

Well, now it's nearly 7pm and I'm going to write out some notes for Art.


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