Friday 1 April 2011


I've had an odd day.
I half made a VEDA video this morning but couldn't think of how to start it properly but then Hazel and I decided to collaborate on VEDA and do it on hazelizabeth.
I feel much better about that because it means we can share the load and it also will not clutter up our personal channels!

I've vacuum'd today, finally! I'm nearly packed to go home. All my left over fresh food is at James' as he is staying at Uni over these holidays.
I'm going to miss him so much.

I've got a horrendous pile of books and papers to take home and revise from.

This is gibberish but I think I'll get back into the writing flow as this moth progresses.

I'm very tired, I got up at 8ish this morning and it's only around 11pm but I could sleep right now if I wasn't writing this.

Alas, I'm heading offline soon so that I can get my 40+ winks and be lively in the morrow.


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