Tuesday 9 June 2009


I get a bit odd around exams, I don't know how to feel.
The horrible thing is I get told by people like Julene that I'm too clever for my own good and I should shut up.


I still felt really floaty after the exam as if I wasn't connected to the world.

I am also a bit jittery about the fact that on July 22nd I will be standing on a PLINTH in Trafalgar Square in London for an hour.
At 8 o'clock at night.


So if anyone has any ideas what I could do up there I'd welcome them!

So, I promise a good blog when revision isn't necessary.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You shouldn't listen to this Julene person because people like this are just vengeful.

Pah. You are lucky. You should organize a flash mob and film it. THAT, my friend, would be awesome.

I love your short concise blogs, too :)

wordver: frackwoo
XD no definition today