Sunday 13 December 2009


I'm home now.

I intended to write a small blog before I set off and then write about today tomorrow.

Instead, the time flew and my tidying and packing was done, I was listening to Jon and lo and behold my family arrived!

We sat and ate tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches and bananas in my tiny room and then, out of the kindness of our hearts, emptied the recycling.

I've brought barely anything home with me compared to the stuff I have left in halls and my studio and yet it is definitely more than I could take back on a train.

I have this issue too with the Term dates, they say Friday the 8th is the first day of term... but there is no way I could get back for then unless I went on Saturday the second. Which is INSANE. Or I got the train and live from the crap clothes I left there until my parents visit.
OR I could just go back to Uni on the Saturday after ready for the Monday.


I'm having a kerfuffle about travelling to see James and him coming here too!
My parents are busy teacher types and only have 2 weeks off at all and although they do want to encourage me to have a life they also do need to have some fo their own.
Anyway, I'm sure we'll get it sorted and it'll still be an amazing Christmas!

My room is FULL of stuff that desperately needs to be sorted or thrown away.

I'm going to go to sleep after tea probably.


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