Wednesday 9 December 2009


Doctors at 9:10 this morning, got stuff that should sort out the eczema...
I neeeeed to stop scratching but that's the hardest thing because once I stop paying attention my fingers stray. Even keeping my nails short doesn't work!

In Art today we finished off out island construction.

This afternoon I failed to help James revise for his maths tests and then came back over to our side for Secret Santa!

It was cute and fun event that got us all talking.

I got a really lovely liquorice all-sorts looking bracelet and some biscuits and a hat. (From Roz because most people said!)

Roz got this toy horse from Tom and it's awesome, it had an apple and hay and fences and a trophy! It's sat in the corridor all cute and fun.

James and I plan to watch "Stranger than Fiction" tonight.


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