Sunday 6 December 2009

Put your best foot forward!

So another day began with a lazy lazy (lovely) morning where I only managed to get to showering by about 11.

I know it's now nearly 4 but it doesn't seem like much has happened although I HAVE made some progress on my Art History notes that are to be typed up soonish.

Yesterday, after the whole "James got back from rowing at 6" debarkle we ended up not doing the stir fry and so we'll do that tonight instead.

James said (500) Days of Summer was his favourite of all the films this term.


There are some fantastic bits of movie magic in there, just *thumbs up*.

Anyhoosle, I'm surprised I've now managed 6 days back in the blogging cycle though it upsets me to see that I don't get any comments any more, it might be because I'm just terribly dull now that I live more in meet world than here.

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