Saturday 18 April 2009

Hakuna Matata

Hi BEDA buddies!

I tell you what, my life feels decidedly un-Hakuna Matata at the moment.
There are plenty of things to worry about.

The Toclafane might be coming.
Not really.

But it's nearly exams.
It's scary.

There is something.
Actually a LOT of somethings that I find in common between Harry Potter and The Winter's Tale.
I want to write an essay on it.
I know I won't.

16 years (give or take) between Leontes and Perdita/Hermione's reunion.
16 years between Harry being 1 and Voldys attempt on his life and the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2nd when he's 17.

Oh dear, I indulged a bit in my ideas.
They keep cropping up the more I revise TWT and the more I read about Potter.

No, it's NOTHING to do with the name Hermione.
And really there isn't that much the same.
Just little things, metaphorical ideas.
Alas, earwax.

"Books, the best weapons in the world!"
I really LOVE Dr. Who.

"ferrero rocher"
Ah Hazel how the tales of your dreams amaze me.

Today seems to be a collection of random ideas.

Hmm, that's just the way my brain seems to be processing.

My new video is up. Week 19 already!


Anonymous said...

Randomness is so totally one of the things I do... A LOT! Especially when I have nothing interesting to comment on. Ah well, what can you do?

j-net said...


My brain's usually a collection of random thoughts and ideas as well so it's all good. I haven't read The Winter's Tale...all I know about it is that Hermione's name is from it....should I?

Elizabeth... said...

I adore The Winter's Tale but probably because our teacher is the best woman ever. It's one of those difficult to believe plays but it is MAGICAL too.
