Wednesday 29 April 2009


How come when I have loads of ideas to talk about in my blog it always falls on a day when it is far too late to actually have time to talk about them all.
I've just got in from being out in Newcastle at the cinema where we went to see the X Men origins film about Wolverine.

It was absoloutely amazing and I have a lot of things I really want to say about super powers and programs/books etc. that use them.
Instead I will just say that I still stand by my opinion that telekenisis would be my power of choice.

I'm far too tired to start a full winded discussion and so I shall leave it for a further blog project that I might even illustrate over the summer.

Right now I'm considering sleeping for hours and hours.
But in reality it'll only be about 7.

Good evening all.


j-net said...

I can't wait to go see X-Men Origins!!!

My power of choice without a doubt would be shape Mystique.

Jen said...

x men!!!
lightening bolts all the way!
like elle from heroes!!