Thursday 9 April 2009

Hard to think of a title

We finished watching Harry Potter 5 this lunch time.
We've watched a bit a day for the last three days.
It seems a fair few people have watched it this holiday too.
Charlie has.
Hazel's friend Craig.

I spent this morning taking photos of myself in all of my different tops.
Well I meant to but I only got through half before lunch.
I should do the rest while it is still light but I've stretched my back a bit.

Ok they're all taken except the ones that are currently in the wash.
It's so embarrassing, I have over 100 but most of them are old/small/washed out/hideous.

I was scared I wouldn't find anything in what I own to go out next Friday night.
But I've found an old skirt of my mums, which adds colour to an otherwise bland black top.

Should work fine.

Sorry for not being at all amusing today.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

more amusing than I am :P haha