Monday 27 April 2009

Henry V

I started out today too early.
Waking when the sun comes up is just daft but not being able to go back to sleep again is past ridicule.

I used almost a whole pen's worth of ink in all the writing I did today.

Mum says I'm using too much bandwidth or something.
I've got to stop watching stuff on iPlayer it seems.

However I'm very sorry but I had to indulge in some Lemon Demon because I realised Neil has some of them for free download on their band page.

So they're now on la Zen.

I really just want to read tonight so I'm posting this and going for a shower.


1 comment:

j-net said...

Waking up while the sun still rises IS stupid. Staying up so late you notice the sun's starting to rise though...haven't done that in a while.

What were you writing?