Tuesday 14 April 2009


While I made notes on Psychology and English I re watched some Dr Who through the amazing bbc iplayer.

The New Earth episode (ep1season2) reminded me a bit of the island film we recently watched in RE, about cloning for the "greater good" and how thoroughly wrong and disgusting it is to mass produce seemingly unconscious clones for medicinal advances.
Also seeing "Casandra" inside Tennant was one of those mega moments that just make you grin.

I then watched Journeys End (end of series 4)
Just as the Doctor takes the timelordy bit out of Donna there can be heard 4 knocks, He's saying sorry and there is a bang bang bang bang.
Perhaps this prophesied monster has been chasing him for a longer time than he is aware and it's been close for longer than he thought too.

I finished my Winter's Tale notes for each scene.
I need to do themes though.

But tomorrow I must dedicate myself to Synoptic.



I want to work for props and costume on Dr. Who, please?

snog marry avoid what an addictive but obscure show

I just heard on the radio that they're still finding bits of a person who's been killed. It reminded my of Ted Bundy. I'm scared to realise that there are still maniacs out there :(

I've taken quite a lot of the postcards/photos/pictures off my ceiling and it looks awfully bare.

Ah well.

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