Tuesday 11 August 2009

Lion King

I guess that this too is a topic I wouldn't necessarily choose to talk about specifically unless, like today, I was pre-writing blogs and didn't really have another topic in mind.

I love the Lion King.
It's probably one of the first Disney films I remember singing along to and watching over and over.

I loved Zazu and his quirks, I cried when it was sad and laughed along with Timon and Pumba.

I have, still, the cassette tape of the sound track... which is pretty useless in this modern technological world.
Somewhere there MUST be a way to convert these cassettes to mp3.
I'm going to TRACK IT DOWN.

Also this would mean I could get the fantastic 'Radio Shows' that me, Caitlin and Hazel used to record.

Back to the Lion King.
A few years ago we went to see it in the West End and it was AWESOME on stage.
The animals were believable and the plot moving, the songs evocative.

Just one thing ruined the whole experience.

A whiney little American girl who just moaned about wanting "CAAAAYNDYY" all the way through and asked stupid questions like "did he just die?", "Momma, is he dead", "Why's he crying".


OH, and we've sung the Lion King medley with choir, what, 3 times. It was so good every single time.

"Night, and the spirit of life, calling O--oh-e-oh"


Ashley said...

Lion King was always my favorite childhood movie. It was the first I saw in theaters I believe. When we went to Disney World, we was the stage version and it was awesome. Mind you, I was 9 at the time so I don't remember much except the costumes and the set. :)

boobjob12 said...

I absolutely love Lion King. Like Ashlizzle, it was my favorite childhood movie. =]
Damn that whiney American girl.