Friday 10 July 2009


I have to write this before midnight preferably, I sort of think Mum's waiting for it...

Today was a nice mix up of relax and do. After reading M's blog this morning I realised that I often treat this "daily blog" as a chore but I know fine well that if I relented and didn't post every single day the break in the habit would just cause any involvement or dedication to dwindle away and this is one thing that I don't want this to happen with as it's the longest running record of my life I've ever managed.

"And with his last breath he said, 'Take it, take it'"
Love that song and sentiment.

Rangers was fun tonight a good chat about Jen's baby, forthcoming Uni, ebooks and many more topics.

For once I got to see Caitlin for more than like, two hours, it was great.
She came over about 1 and we watched last night's Torchwood (brill) and St. Trinian's (terrible but fun to rip to shreds).
We also played Boggle and Scrabble, good times.

There is this dickhead youtuber called TheViolentrascist who has been pretty much downright foul to any and every vlogger on the Tubes. He (I'm assuming) posted a horrible comment on both my own channel (since reported and deleted) and on Hazelizabeth and THEN had the audacity to subscribe to us.
I got so angry that for the first time I blocked a user.

I also won't spoil the last episode of Torchwood fully but tears existed and it was epic.


1 comment:

boobjob12 said...

Liz, I think it's wonderful that you blog every day without it being some special thing, like my BEDJ is. I mean, my blogs are longer than yours, but that is the ONLY DIFFERENCE. You're so dedicated, and I think that is wonderful. <3
Why would someone make the channel, "theviolentracist"?! That is ridiculous! Good for you for blocking them!