Saturday 18 July 2009


It's 8:44pm.
I think I'm going to go to bed earlier tonight.
I was awake quite early to do the washing up and then spent a good while listening to Potter and tidying my room.
I know it must seem like that is all I do.
You don't realise quite how much there is to sort.

We decided to go see Harry Potter again today, Mum, Dad and me.
It was just a good experience this time.
Everyone's faces were in proportion because we sat in the middle and this time I appreciated the filming techniques and such much more.

Like how the white bird died but the black didn't.
How they zoom too close to their faces at times (especially the stupid H/G kiss).
Ginny is not nearly feisty enough.
Every time Neville was on screen Mum elbowed me as if I hadn't noticed.

It's a really strange feeling when you come out of the cinema into bright sunlight.


1 comment:

boobjob12 said...

Yay for early sleepings!
I realize how much there is to sort! I REALIZE!
Ginny REALLY is not feisty enough. She did not act like a WEASLEY!
I love that feeling, coming out of the theater (or any dark place) and it's bright. Eyeshock, maybe. =]