Monday 13 July 2009


Today was lovely.

It's Hazel's Birthday and so for breakfast we had croissants.

We were both heading into town but I went much earlier because we were going bowling.
I don't understand how but our game cost us £1.60 each. That INCLUDES show hire.
I'm not complaining, I think that's fantastic. Just a little crazy.

We also went on the arcade dance machine which was tiring! Also it's pigging awful to attempt in the bowling shoes!

My lunch of Greggs chicken bacon tomato baguette was lush.

I bought The Zoombinis mountain rescue game for only 99p!

We then went up to the park (this is Ross, Laura, Jen and me) armed with music bubble mix, strawberries and a cheap bingo game.

Ross and I played a game that ended up being "you can;t throw the ball until you think of another Harry Potter spell"

In New Look I said "imagine those shorts" whilst pointing at them.
I had intended to complete the sentence with "on #instertnamehere#" but I couldn't think of anyone, leaving me looking very foolish.

Once home Hazel showed me the presents from her friends and the one from James is the BEST EVER. She'll show you in her vid this weekend so I won't describe it to spoil it but if you know her you'll probably see the pic as it's on nearly every website she's on now.

I installed and played a bit of that zoombini game but it was just dissapointing.
I mean, I was expecting something that wasn't WORSE than the original. But it was terribly dull compared to the genius of the other one and the graphics were worse.
I can only assume they could afford to pay the original makers and then I realised this version is NOT Broderbund and in in fact a rip off. Anger has seized me and I think I need to be cured with a good old sesh on the other version.
Shame the disk I have only runs on Win 95.

When trying to decide who to go to the HP HBP showing as Laura suggested;
"Mirabella Plunkett – Fell in love with a merman, transfigured herself into a haddock"

Which is clearly genius.

Thank-you and goodnight.


1 comment:

boobjob12 said...

I have mountain rescue!
I like it better than the other one I have, which is the island one or something.
What is the original like?

PS. Sounds like such a fun day!