Saturday 9 May 2009

I want a hero: an uncommon want

My CD burning drive makes a really odd noise.
I don't like it.
I'm burning some iTunes files to a CD so I can rip them off then put em on my Zen.
Except that doesn't work does it?
I need to work out how to convert those files to mp3 and not mp4.

I was woken too early today by my own head.
Then I actually had to get up and ready so we could take Hazel to Band and I could turn up to Embroider's Guild just to say sorry and leave.

I have so much English and Psychology revision and essays and the like to do.
But I also need a dress.
So we went shopping.

There is a guy on Radio 4 called Ricky Salmon.

I still managed not to get a dress.
I got some shoes though and three tops.

I'm editing together a clip video of spare bits I think might be found fairly amusing.

Byron ftw!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Well, to convert, go to and it'll let you convert file types. I just learned about it and it's ablsolutely brilliant.
Good luck with the dress? What color/style are you looking for btw?
