Wednesday 13 May 2009

Iambic Pentamiter

I have just finished watching the first episode of the new series of Flight of the Concords, verdict: hilarious.

Today Emily was doing a photo shoot for her Art and had Jen in her PJ's on a bench outside. She also had a load of Barbies which made for an amusing lunch time.

In 5th today Jen and I were scribbing on a piece of paper and she wrote a piece of rather terrible music.
She called it Lullaby for a Swine.
It has 1/4 as the time signature and a 6 beat note that has to be cut in half by the bar line.
She is a bit ignorant of music.

I've found the perfect tie. I so very much am going to buy it.
Sucks to the film people!

I'm going to shower now, I crave sleep!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Haha. Flight of the Concords is always hilarious.

That tie is amazing! You should seriously consider owning it. As in "GO OUT AND BUY IT RIGHT NOW!" type of consideration, but, eh, that's only my meager and very humble opinion on the matter.

Oh no. Don't even bring up iambic pentameter. Freshman year of high school, I had this crazy English teacher who would make us speak in iambic pentameter during class and we had to say an extra witty one to leave the room. She was insane.