Tuesday 26 May 2009

Informational overload

In my internet and learning based life my brain is expected to remember a very large amount of things.
During this revision period I'm supposed to make sure that the most prominent things in my life are quotations, exam techniques and other exam based information.
The thing is it isn't as simple as that, life actually happens and bits of my memory will still be concentrating on lyrics to songs, passwords for lots of different websites, what is going on in the life of my RL friends and my Online friends.
I'm still expected not to get distracted. But I am one of those people who craves all this information, who enjoys extremely to just sit online and discover.
It would help however if I wasn't being sent emails from the Horoscope website I must have visited once.

"General Weekly Love Horoscope Influences
The past could catch up with you this weekend when Mercury shifts out of reverse(retrograde) and begins moving forward on Saturday. Information that has been withheld may start to spill out to change the story of relationships. If you've been waiting to make up your mind, the clouds are starting to clear and you should finally come to a decision."

Howay, how vague do you want to be!

What else did I learn today:
I got tagged in a lot of leaving photo's on facebook.
Alex Day and Kristina Horner have a very enviable life, their LeakyCon documentation is awe inspiring.
Eoin Colfer is going to write the 6th Hitchhikers book. XD
The daft Art World people STILL haven't sent the 3rd issue even though we've been in contact with them a few times, last time they sent issue 1 instead. ARGH.
MP's have spent crazy amounts of tax payers money and they're STILL talking about it.
Having Harry Potter on my mp3 play is intensely irritating on shuffle but also quite amusing.
Food smells so good.
There is a bit in Yes Man that made Hazel chuckle uber much. HARRY POTTER themed party.
Listening to half of a phone conversation is even funnier if it's my mum and my great auntie Irene

It's close enough to the end of the day to post this, not much else is going to happen I don't think.


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