Saturday 23 May 2009


I was struck by a thought today.
"New things get old too fast"...

In a few cases this might not apply but I was mainly pondering how when things are new they're often more exciting or perhaps they leave you feeling unsure, then people tell you "you'll get used to it" and you look back thinking "that wasn't so bad".

I cannot decide if this is a good thing or not.

So I've finally sat down to sort my hard drive out.
It's only copying "My Pictures" and says it has 107 minutes to go but it keeps going up and down.

I adore fresh pineapple.

Sorting computer files is tedious but therapeutic.

I'm going to a gig thing in Newcastle tomorrow so I've decided the day plan is get up, tidy room while listening to "The Winter's Tale", go out.

That's all folks!


Ashley said...

They do. They really really do.

I really need to clean up my computer over the summer. Just one more thing to add to my already tedious list...hmmm.

Of course I'll send you an owl!! haha


word ver: islit

Definition of islit: a book or piece of literature that is in or 'hot'

-What book are you reading for Brit lit?
-I'm reading Wuthering Heights
-That is so islit!

Ashley said...

omg...this next word verification is amazing

sounds Italian! haha

speaking of which, I need go eat dinner which consists of pasta! ^.^