Saturday 26 September 2009

Moving Out

Most of my things are wedged into our car.
There is just a small pile and my laptop left to sort out.

Including the stuff I got in a package from apartment red today, freakin' cool!
There's a mug and a t-shirt and a pendrive and some post-its and a keyring AND a g'damn YOYO!

Listening to sad songs about Looking for Alaska... I need to read that book again, it's about finding your Great Perhaps. That's what I'm going to do please.

Bribery chocolate slice has been made too and I'm going to miss my late night msn conversations tonight with going to bed early so I'm "well rested".

So I'll just go click onto Chameleon Circuit and settle down.


Next blog from Lancaster!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I can imagine that to be a thrilling but scary experience. Is it? :S

Best of luck Liz. <3 <3

Ashley said...

<3 and a 4 leaf clover.

Good luck lizzy! :)


Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

What did you do in order for Apt. Red to send you gifts?